To help with the current coronavirus emergency, we have put together these free coronavirus tips Powerpoint slide templates for you to use. The slides include coronavirus prevention tips, symptoms and instructions on what to do if you have symptoms.

Feel free to adjust the templates based on your local health authority instructions and contact information. Download the templates by providing your name and email address below.


Coronavirus Tips – Symptoms

This slide shows the common coronavirus symptoms and gives patients instructions on what to do if they have symptoms so that they don’t go to the hospital or doctor in a panic and overload the local health system. You can edit this slide or add additional slides to add local phone numbers, websites or other resource information.

Preventing Coronavirus Spread

These next two coronavirus tips slide templates show how to slow the spread of Covid 19 by washing hands frequently, maintaining social distancing, avoiding touching your face, covering your mouth during sneezing and staying home. Once again, you can edit these templates to include information from your local health authority.

Washing Hands Template

There are also two slides that give coronavirus tips on the importance of washing your hands before and after common activities to slow the spread of the disease. Again, you can edit these templates or add to them to customize them for your own use.

We hope these templates are useful to you. If you need help setting up your emergency digital signage during this difficult time, please contact us. We have over 21 years of experience in digital signage and we would be happy to help. Visit our Case Studies page to see how our creative clients are using our software for communication, data driven presentations and digital signage.

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