Countdown Timer Display
Countdown timer displays are often used for counting down to a specific date, or a timer to count since there is a specific date. Countdowns are often used to count down to New Year, Christmas, the end of the Ramadan, opening of a new shop, to show how long a speaker...
PowerPoint Clock with Date & Time Display
We have 2 possible scenarios for displaying a PowerPoint clock. This is a dedicated time add-on for using a PowerPoint clock to display the time or date in a presentation. This is very easy to use and can use a clock, calendar, count down, timer etc. If you need to...
Display Stock Quotes in PowerPoint
Stock Quotes Data Sources In today’s article we will show you, how you can create a real-time information screen for your company, where you display real-time stock quotes information on your monitor. DataPoint technology is used here, as a PowerPoint add-on, to...