We worked together with other companies to install a LED traffic information system driven and controlled by PowerPoint. When you search online for ‘PowerPoint traffic LED’, you get results with sample PowerPoint presentations with mostly a traffic light drawing on the slide. We are not talking about that. In Antwerp, Belgium, they are using a PowerPoint slide show now to display real-time information on LED boards when you enter a new tunnel of the city, the Brabo-tunnel at the Operaplein.

So instead of running your presentation on your laptop or computer screen as everyone does, they use PowerPoint to show a data-driven slide show on these large LED screens. The information that they show is varying from speed information, signalization, and height detection. When a truck or any other high vehicle is heading to the tunnel, its height is measured, and when at risk, a stop sign is shown. No need to say that the interaction of our software and the display has to work very fast and be extremely reliable in such a dangerous situation where a failure could result in a traffic accident.

Our DataPoint plugin was selected for this job because of the robust and flexible integration with PowerPoint.

PowerPoint road signalization at Antwerp, Belgium
road signalization with powerpoint

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