Our latest success story and nursery digital signage case study comes from Tyler Meahl, IT Manager at Garden View Nursery in Irwindale, California.

Digital Signage Problem

Poor internet was preventing Garden View from using a digital signage solution for their retail store. The nursery is located in a remote area, and cloud-based digital signage solutions were frequently disconnecting due to the poor internet connection. Additionally, the proprietary design software offered from other companies was clunky to use.

Nursery digital signage case study

The Solution: PowerPoint & ShowPoint

Tyler commented, “All our employees know how to use PowerPoint.” So it was obvious that PowerPoint was an ideal choice to get the digital signage project started.

To make the PowerPoint slideshows more effective for digital signage, they chose our free software, ShowPoint. ShowPoint added these capabilities for their digital signage:

  • Autostart of their PowerPoint slideshows
  • Run slideshows remotely
  • Autostart slideshows after reboots
Nursery digital signage case study

The Hardware

The physical setup for their digital signage was pretty simple. They were using an older 42″ wall-mounted LG television along with an Intel Compute Stick. The television is also on a wi-fi timer to turn the television off and on.

Nursery digital signage case study

The Results

Tyler commented that the results were, “Solid, simple to update digital signage” and “For something so basic you’d think it would be built into PowerPoint itself, but you guys came to the rescue!”

We’re so happy you love it, Tyler! And we really appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us.

If you’re looking for help planning your own digital signage system, or if you have a story to share about using any of our products, please reach out.

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