For our case study this time, we travel to the City of Winter Springs, Florida. Winter Springs is a city of 33,282 located in Seminole County Florida.

The Problem

The City of Winter Springs has bi-monthly Commission meetings between the public and their elected officials, the City Commission. During a meeting, there are nine members sitting on the dais: The Mayor, 5 Commissioners, City Attorney, City Manager, and the City Clerk.

During a hot-topic item with heated discussion, it becomes difficult for the Mayor to moderate the meetings and keep track of who would like to speak and for how long the current speaker has held the floor.

City of Winter Springs Meeting Room

The Solution

Edward DeJesus, the IT Manager for the City of Winter Springs implemented a solution to use DataPoint in conjunction with PowerPoint as a tool to better moderate discussion during Commission meetings. Here is his comment as to how it works.

What DataPoint allows us to do is create a queue system for the Commissioners and other members on the dais to better manage who would like to speak. The way the system works is the Commissioner press a Bluetooth button to enter themselves in the queue. The Mayor is then able to see who enters the queue using PowerPoint/DataPoint and take the member first in line and move them to the speaker position. When a member of the queue is moved to the speaker position, a timer is started showing how long that commission member has been speaking.

DataPoint - City of Winter Springs Meeting Room

The Result

This has helped provide smoother and better-moderated meetings which in turn provides a more pleasurable experience for our citizens.

DataPoint Queue Management - City of Winter Springs

DataPoint + PowerPoint + Bluetooth buttons. Another excellent example of how our creative clients solve real-life problems with our software.

Have a similar problem you would like to solve? Let us know and we would be happy to help.

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