One of our favorite things at PresentationPoint is when our customers send us their “look what we made” pictures and stories. This story is about a world time clock designed in PowerPoint by audiovisual and IT firm, Qubix, using our Dynamic Elements software.
Here is a closeup of the world time clock they created.

And here is the world time clock shown in perspective in the technology experience center where it is installed.

About You – Tell us a bit about your company or organization or what you do.
I am Rhythm Arora, chief technical officer of a Premier AV, IT and IoT Design and integration Company “Qubix” ; Qubix is a Full Services Company, and Takes Care of Design-Supply-Integrate—Maintain the AV and IT BOQs.
We are one of the leading companies in Indian Subcontinent, with many large corporations and celebrities as our clients. Our work often gets covered in leading AV Magazines, such as InAvate , Palm Technology, Pro-Audio Asia etc. also by many web journals and AV related shows.
The Problem – Can you describe for us the problem you were trying to solve that led you to our software?
We were just about to handover the project for a client’s technology experience centre, and there was a general discussion going-on on the reception and the design team wanted Digital Looking Clocks which would blend with the theme of the space. They tried looking for many things on the internet, but all they could find were ugly digital factory wall clocks, which were not at all matching to the feel of the place. The discussion was ongoing from 3-4 days but still they could not find anything which was satisfactory.
Since AV is a major part of that Office, I was made a part of the brainstorming session on how and where should we find a clock which can be suitable for the area. I also, looked upon online, tried to find some clocks, some gadgets but could not find anything which made sense,
Then thinking the AV Way, finally got an idea to project the clocks – and the client loved the idea. We had an extra projector on site, told the team to hook it up on the ceiling, to show them a sample.
Being a PowerPoint ninja, I opened up a PPT, downloaded a Apple Watch face , made 9 copies of the same static image, and projected it. Voila! The entire design and client team loved it, and they wanted us to do it before the opening date, which was just about 36 hours from the time we discussed.
The original plan was not to use PowerPoint but was to use a digital signage player with multiple clocks on an alpha background. I instructed our content team to start working on it. They started the javascript was, and after 15 hours of nonstop work, they came up with a shabby design which was not good enough to present, and to place at that beautiful reception. Also, it was very difficult to make changes, as it was hardcoded in java.
It was the last moment, and I had given up on the clock, since there were many more important things to finish before the inaugural day, but the IT head and CIO from the client’s team were really looking forward to this feature for the d day.
I had no option – Java guys will take forever to do it, still won’t know what they come up with, dont have time to take a chance.
Went back to my Powerpoint and thot there has to be a way how I can move the time on my static clocks. I even thot of making 60 slides for each hour of the inauguration day, and time them to display the near correct time, but always knew there has to be a better way.
Then I tried to code my own macro, but didn’t have enough time for it.
Then I wondered if I can write a macro, someone else may have also tried writing one, hence showing me to a direction towards Dynamic Elements.
Finding Us – How did you find PresentationPoint?
It was clear what I was looking for, have grown up with Google, we understand each other well.
Software Solution – Which of our software did you use to develop your solution?
Dynamic Time and Dynamic Weather
Now we have a Small Intel Computer – Running Microsoft Office, we saved the presentation as PPSM ( PowerPoint macro enabled show ) then made a .BAT file to execute it, then converted the BAT to EXT and added it to the startup.
As soon as the computer turns on, the clocks starts Auto Run.
We also changed one of the pictures ( India – India Gate ) to Video where the clouds keep moving, and that adds quite a drama to the space.
Results – What are the results now that you have your system up and running?
We have got 8 very qualified leads from customers who want us to create WoW Factor for them.
This was made single handedly, sitting in front of the wall – out of pure passion and no planned business interest. We did not even charge any design fees from the client.
Do you have a great “we made it” story you can share with us? Contact us and let us know.