The PowerPoint weekly schedule template consists of 3 different slides so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.
Staff List
The Staff List PowerPoint weekly schedule template focuses on each staff member and shows their schedule and their weekly hours. We have included weekends since retail, medical and other type or organizations need to schedule staff for more than just Monday to Friday.
Days of The Week
This slide is similar to the first one, but has removed the total hours calculation.
Position Focus
This slide was created so you could show the position of the employee as well.
If you already have your staff schedule in a spreadsheet or other data system, you can connect it to this template using DataPoint.
You can also set this template as a computer screensaver using MessagePoint so everyone can see the schedule and be reminded of updates.
You can download this free PowerPoint weekly schedule template here. Contact us if you need help connecting PowerPoint to your staff scheduling data sources.