To help understand their use case, we asked management at Edesia a series of questions. Here are their replies.
About Edesia
Tell us a bit about your organization and what you do.
Edesia’s mission is to help treat and prevent malnutrition in the world’s most vulnerable populations.
Edesia is a unique non-profit organization that manufactures specialized ready-to-use foods (RUFs) that change lives. Each year millions of “miracle packets” leave Edesia’s Rhode Island factory and are delivered into the hands of malnourished children all over the world by humanitarian aid workers working in the hardest-to-reach and most inhospitable places on the planet.

The Problem – Warehouse Logistics
Can you describe for us the problem you were trying to solve that led you to our software?
We run a very busy warehouse and always need to know what inbound deliveries we are awaiting and also need to know when outbound trailers will be arriving. We have all of this scheduled on a calendar in Outlook but when the warehouse staff are driving around the warehouse on forklifts, they can’t easily see Outlook calendars so we needed a way they could easily and quickly see all activity. Your solution allowed us to display the Outlook calendar in an easy to read format on a large TV in the warehouse. Efficiency gain achieved!

The Problem Part 2 – Conference Room Booking
We also had an issue scheduling conference rooms…or lack thereof. People would walk into a conference room and start a meeting, even though they didn’t book the room. Often times, someone who actually booked the room would show up and find the room in use and be forced to find another place to meet. This was very inconvenient for everyone. So we deployed your software on tablets in each conference room to display the schedule for the conference room for the day. Now if someone walks in without having scheduled the room, they can see if it’s already booked and/or how long they can use the room.

What are the results now that you have your system up and running?
We no longer have conference room conflicts and people are more aware of concluding their meeting on time as they can easily see when the next room booking is scheduled. Our warehouse operators now always have knowledge of inbound and outbound shipments.

Our Comments
We were pleased to provide software to help such a worthy non-profit organization as Edesia Nutrition with their logistics and conference room problem.and we are grateful to their team for sharing their creative solution with us. You can find out more about Edesia Nutrition at PresentationPoint does offer special rates for registered non-profit organizations.
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Wondering of our software might resolve some of your own conference room booking, scheduling, data display or other problems? Want to know more about our non-profit rates? Contact us using the button below and we would be happy to help.