PresentationPoint is proud that our software is used in military planning for mission-critical situations needed by people who serve in military organizations. Our software is used by such militaries as the US Air Force and US Army.

Recently we created a custom project for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

PresentationPoint delivers military planning tool to NATO

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization Project

NATO is an organization comprising 30 member states. So the job of gathering and sharing data for military planning projects among so many widely distributed groups and countries is immense.

NATO chose PresentationPoint to build a custom tool to generate strategic project planning in seconds. Data is maintained by many different NATO subject matter experts, and shared on SharePoint. PresentationPoint has built a custom plugin to collect the SharePoint data and generate Gantt chart PowerPoint slides with a single mouse click.

Previously NATO personnel spent multiple hours per week, to keep this planning up-to-date. Now key members have this plugin installed and can generate up-to-date new planning within a few seconds, without waiting the latest data coming in, and without waiting for it to be ready.

PresentatiaonPoint delivers planning tool to NATO

Accurate Planning and Time-Saver

“This development not only brings us accurate planning, it also saves us almost one personnel-day a week.” Thomas Condon, Certified Knowledge Manager at NATO HQ, claims.

His colleague Arnaud Coirbay confirms: “It’s a very solid tool, versatile, easy to manage and above all: a real time saver. It is so easy to rely on this automation. It is fast and without human errors.”

Planning of NATO's resources with our planning tool

If you are a member of a military organization and would like to discuss how our software can help with your military planning projects, please contact us.