Reviews from our Customers

We could try to tell you how amazing our software is, but our clients do a much better job of this! Here are just a few examples of what our clients say about us.

Awesome product by the way. All this time and no one else can even come close to what you’re doing over there.

Jason Brentlinger

Production Manager, Bartha, USA

My team creates PowerPoints that consist of slides anywhere from 10 to 50 slides and we create these almost every two weeks. This tool saves us 100s of hours… This is a great tool and more companies should know about this.

Elisheba Choppala

Manufacturing Operations Engineer, Simple Modern

NYC Department of Education schedule on TVOur Office of Impartial Hearings was able to eliminate the need for printing paper schedules. No more need for highlighters or re-printing when changes to the schedule occur.

After doing some research, we found DataPoint and does exactly what we needed it to do. We now have the ability to display everything we need on the TVs we have installed. When data updates occur DataPoint refreshes the data and like magic, it appears!

We greatly appreciate the fact that it exists! Keep up the amazing work!

Dino Panagoulias

Director of Citywide Support, NYC Department of Education, USA

At we recently used DataPoint to merge existing reporting data to create and distribute personalized reporting to +1100 of our managers.

Savka Gajic

L&T Program Manager,, The Netherlands

Still DataPoint crushes the competition for ease of use and deployability.

We use Intel Compute Sticks connected to 55 inch screens in different modes and flavors… It’s AMAZING to see how creative we can get when creating new Digital Signage… and the DYNAMIC ability to do so much… Impresses all who see it… Funniest thing I hear from IT Pros… WAIT what?? That’s PowerPoint??” HOW??? I just laugh. Keep up the great work!

Chris Carson

HD Supply

I run a webshop selling hundreds of flower seed variants. Having set up an excel sheet with all the product details, we needed a way to turn that into individual labels with graphics and instructions, and Datapoint was exactly the tool we were looking for. We created 1,300 individual PowerPoint slides in minutes, which was a total game changer for a small enterprise like mine. Every question I had was answered promptly – can’t recommend it enough!
Sara Mau


Datapoint did exactly as it said it would, and we were thrilled with the results! I only had to push the button once, and Datapoint did the rest. Student Lottery Numbers flashed across the screen for over 45 minutes without a single glitch, pause, or hiccup, and the overall excitement of the room grew with each change of the data. I can’t wait to find other ways we can integrate Datapoint into our assemblies and presentations.

Stephanie McMurray

Data Systems Manager, The Palmdale Aerospace Academy

As a government agency, the security and firewall restrictions are extremely high – especially when transferring information, especially something constantly updating and displayed – whether through hard lines or wireless. While we struggled initially to initiate presentations, we began small with basic universal data and soon could expand to regional specific data, RSS weather feeds, and even an external feed Amber Alert connection. While we may have crossed many miles and time zones, the PresentationPoint helpdesk was always willing to do their best to understand and offer links, support and even the most basic guidance to a client who was obviously grossly underqualified to take on such a task.

We have received many comments about the value and effectiveness of the program and how much it has been an aid for clients; whether understanding the services that they will be receiving and that are available to them, resources within their community that may provide necessities like food or utility aid, or even just an inspirational quote or interesting trivia slide to make the wait a little more bearable. Due to the aid and functionality of PresentationPoint and their staff, we have been able to change countless lives for the better. We thank you.

Carissa Meyer

Program System Specialist Automated, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Behavioral Health

Well we’ve been working through this issues, it started me thinking about the impact you and your company has had in my life.

I can honestly say that I would not have been able to choose the level of success in my company without your program. What your software allows me to do saves me hours and hours every presentation. In fact, I have been able to create more of an assembly line process with all my presentations, but still have them customized.

You guys do such a great job, and I’m sure I’m your biggest fan!!!

Kevin Galandy

President , Bayside Associates

There are other programs out there, which I have tested, but none compare to the user friendliness and output of DataPoint.

I must also mention that I have never experienced such dedicated customer service.  The response time is unparalleled and they go above and beyond to help you.

I give DataPoint a full 5 stars!

Christina Hamlin

Graphic Designer, CMH Marketing and Design

With the help of PresentationPoint we were able to realize a full functional digital signage for our radio-station. Without the Dynamic Elements from PresentationPoint this would not be possible. So thank you PresentationPoint!

Sander Brand

Volunteer, Lokaal 7 Radio Station

The addition of live news and weather to our screen is great for our customers. Not only they get entertained when they are waiting in the counter, but it also starts a conversation about the news or weather while they are shopping.  Next to that, I can show product promotions and generate more revenue by showing product combinations.  Also great is the ability to show the number of likes of our Facebook page in real-time. From the first day on, I’m getting in much more likes than before, thanks to DataPoint

Gert Vanhellemont

Co-owner, Fruit Vanhellemont

With this software, we are able to keep our internal and external community informed and aware of the most relevant events, allowing us to be more efficient and get action immediately; always looking for the benefit of the population.

Raul Taboada

Information Technology Analyst, Mexican Red Cross

It was clear that PresentationPoint stood out from the competition – of particular importance was the speed of their customer support answering my questions before we ever spent a single pound with them.

MessagePoint installed without a hitch on all 5 of the PCs we are running (we are using Chill Blast’s Micro System which is perfect for display applications); the software works perfectly on each machine and activating the licenses was easy.

David Marlow

Deputy Headteacher, Etz Chaim Boys School

We choose this software to make presentations since its trajectory is well recognized, and even used by commercial partners who also base their growth and production on how to impact the final customer with a satisfactory product.

The final result of the presentations is simply exceptional, it is above similar platforms such as Prezzi, among others. I would simply recommend it to improve market research capacity and expand expectations.

Corina Pino

Analista de garantias, La Mar Motors, C.A

This is a life saver! I can’t believe how well it works. Honestly, Microsoft should just adopt this process.

PresentationPoint, thanks again, you literally saved me about 20 hours of work this week.

Jonathan Agresta

The software is working really well. I am using it to populate slides that are presented to a committee of funders that are making funding decisions on applications for services by non-profits in response to COVID-19 pandemic. Each slide represents an application that contains the following elements: organizational name, description of project, geographies proposed to be served, organization budget, total project budget, proposed award amount, and other application-specific information.

The use of PresentationPoint is saving countless hours of cutting and pasting this information into each slide.

Pedro Paz

Director of Grantmaking, Santa Barbara Foundation

Several years ago, our Property Advisory Committee, tired of the old way of doing things demanded something new for our Employee Announcements and Communications. We were all familiar with PowerPoint, but not excited about the work required to keep this kind of communication media up-to-date. Thankfully we stumbled upon PresentationPoint, and we couldn’t be happier about it!!!

Through the use of multiple PresentationPoint products (DataPoint, NewsPoint and iPoint), combined with a web-based CMS portal, our employee announcements and Communications has become almost completely automated. We have even begun to use some PresentationPoint products to extend signage services out to other areas of our operation traditionally served by higher cost alternatives.

David Johnson, CHTP

Director, Information Technology, Washington Duke Inn & Golf Club

First may I say how much I appreciate and rely on your software in my reporting. I prepare monthly demand management analysis which is highly detailed and must be prepared on a spreadsheet to ensure no silly inconsistencies or typos creep in. It is an absolute joy to then transfer the data to my template presentation (usually about 50 slides) – probably saves me about 1 – 2 days per month.

The boss I work for wouldn’t cover the payment so I paid for it myself – I don’t come to work to do this $%$# was my logic – best $400 I ever spent.

Gerard Savage

Prior to DataPoint, members of the congregation were manually updating the PowerPoint slides each night before services in order to use the correct data. This resulted in an inefficient process as each slide had to be touched and updated, in some cases the same data was presented on multiple slides.

The switch to DataPoint has saved our members significant amounts of time and allows our presentations to quickly be updated if changes happen just before or during services.

Waynesville Church of Christ

This product and the customer support is a breath of fresh air! Thanks again.

Erik Sorkness

Wayne Business Continuity Manager & Project Manager, DLL

We love these products! We run a non-profit retreat center in the Cascade foothills, and use Microsoft PowerPoint for digital signage to communicate with our guests. One challenge has been clearly and efficiently providing real-time weather information, so that hikers and others know what to expect. We looked at several products that were not particularly easy to use, and none worked seamlessly with PowerPoint – and then we found PresentationPoint software.

Dynamic Weather was perfect – easy to use, simple integration, and we quickly had professional quality weather info slides. The only problem we encountered was that the weather provider (Yahoo) was not providing correct weather information for our specific area. So, a quick email to customer support – which was responded to almost immediately with an explanation and a recommendation to move up to DataPoint, which has a more helpful weather link. The even made a generous offer to make the upgrade work for us. DataPoint is almost as easy to use as Dynamic Weather (the documentation is excellent). We’re using some of the professional templates provided – easily customized. Our guests our happy. Our staff is happy.

I’ve worked with customer support at dozens of companies. PresentationPoint, by far, has been the most responsive of all, and their immediate attitude of “make-it-right”, going beyond what is expected, is much appreciated! A great product. And great support.

Tim Jack

Executive Director, Rainbow Lodge

The platform has dynamic tools for the construction of presentations that capture the attention of the viewer, increasing the capacity of impact on the public at the time of product exposure.

It is useful, versatile and comfortable the way your multi-point system makes it possible for people not to lose a single detail during the presentation, in addition the remote deployment makes it seem that the speaker is in a comfortable place that does not interfere with what It is showing.

It has a wide range of media for themes through its media library that guarantee not stopping the development due to lack of ideas, its content programming increases productivity and decreases time during an effective professional presentation. * One of its greatest virtues are automatic updates, which are guaranteed whenever you are connected to the internet.

Cesar Brito

Analista de Sistemas, Centro Medico Fente

Wow.. I used it…. Really this so excellent software… too simple to use and way of working is too interesting.
I gave it 5 star/out of 5 star.
Really thanks to provide this wonderful software.

Sumit Kumar

Very impressed by your customer service!

Heiko Langrehr

Hello! First off I want to say how much I LOVE your products! Being able to display relevant information to our employees throughout all of our facilities has been wonderful and very well received by everyone! In my current facility we have 4 screens to display various employee-related information.

Dale Kelsey

Information Technology Manager , Ace Casual Furniture

I highly recommend DataPoint, which is one of the software packages offered by PresentationPoint. My presentation was well received with the students and their parents/caregivers expressing their amazement with the countdown. I am very pleased with DataPoint and would highly recommend it.


Alan Liddle

Principal, Te Puke High School

I’ve just downloaded and installed (VideoPoint, editor’s note). This is amazing. It vastly uncomplicated my life in providing webinars via Zoom without getting caught up in switching cameras and sources. I haven’t been this jazzed about a piece of software in 10 years. Nicely done, sir!

Greg Saunders

Digital Engagement Manager, Sacramento, CA

We are using some software from IBM and the reporting functionality only works with the DataPoint plugin.


“Automating PowerPoint from Excel”

Awesome! This saves hundreds of working hours.

Redab Lands

“It was like finding an oasis in a desert. Not only does PresentationPoint do a fantastic job, but they seem to be the only ones providing this solution.”

“If we didn’t find DataPoint, we simply wouldn’t have found a solution, or we would’ve sunk thousands of dollars into programming a custom solution that perhaps wouldn’t have done the job as well as PresentationPoint. We’re huge fans.”

Derek Wood

Director of Lead Generation, VICTIG

“MessagePoint is the rare software that is powerful, extremely easy to use, and seamlessly blends into our workflow. It has helped keep our whole team on track with our messaging and up to date. The software is also supported by a professional and very responsive support team. Would highly recommend MessagePoint for any team. “

P Pazmino

Owner, New World LLC

“OMG THIS WORKED PERFECTLY!!!! Is there any way I can donate to y’all or something because you literally saved me from months of frustrating presentations! Please let me know and email me!”
