Thank you for installing OutlookPoint
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Your First Steps
Give the software a minute to synchronize all the data.
After that, all Outlook data is copied into the OutlookPoint database, so that it can be used by other programs like DataPoint.  This OutlookPoint database is typically located at C:\ProgramData\PresentationPoint\OutlookPoint.
It is possible that this ProgramData is invisible on your hard drive, since this is a system folder. Click the View menu option of your explorer, and check the Hidden items option.
Open the OutlookPoint.mdb file. This is a Microsoft Access database that has the synchronized data of your selected Outlook folder.
Open the TblMail table to view its content. You can now set up queries and use these tables and queries in programs like DataPoint, in order to display this information in real-time on your television or computer screen.
To read out the information from this database in a network environment, it is best to share this file with others. Or you can always copy this database to an existing file server or existing network share in order to provide public access. In that case, move the OutlookPoint.mdb database and change its path in the OutlookPoint folder properties.