In the
last article I explained how the user can connect a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to a Microsoft Access database. The example presentation that I created was linked to the demo northwind Access database. In that article I linked and displayed order information with shipped date, ship name and location. The user can see that it was
linked to the first row of the orders table. So when we start the slide show, it will continuously display the shipping information of that first row only. But, there are multiple orders in my orders table and all the data is currently not shown.  We can add other slides by duplicating this first slide of my presentation and then on the second slide I can change the linked row numbers to 2, and on the third slide we can set it to row number 3. But where does this end? We can’t predict the numbers of orders in the future, nor can I set up a slide per order now. That would be way to much work.
Presentation maker tool
There is a more elegant way to create virtual slides here in PowerPoint by using DataPoint as before and by just setting one more option in DataPoint. We can open the presentation of the previous article and click to open the DataPoint menu.
Is there a method of displaying more rows (maybe 15 in a table) and having the data step through all of the rows 1 row at a time? It would appear that the data is scrolling off the screen but will eventually come back around.
But sure. At the data scrolling properties, you can change the step size from 1 to 15!
Any idea why my scrolling might have stopped working?
Hard to say Chad this way. Please create a trouble ticket at and send in your logfile please.
Is there a way to scroll through the pages based on a mouse click. A fixed time doesn’t work for us.
You can generate a snapshot presentation, based on your data scrolling slides, and then change the advancing options. Would that be an option?
When you run it life as a slideshow, then it is not possible at the moment since that advances automatically.
Love this feature! But is there a way to apply Transitions to the “step slides” that get created as a result of the scrolling? Specifically, I have a Transition on all other slides of my presentation but it looks odd since the Scrolling steps are the only “slides” missing a Transition…
Hi Paul, there was a reason to leave it out, but when you create a new trouble ticket at our support area, then we can look into this and send you an updated DataPoint version to see if it is working for you.